
Sunday, 17 August 2014

Life And Limb

Research about the guy from the Limb and Life article you’ve been reading in CSI.
Write questions for the following answers:
Q. How old was Cameron when the accident happened?
A. 28 x

Q. When did this accident happen?
A. September 15, 2001 √

Q. How did Cameron's accident happen?
A. He was hit by a train. √

Q. How many sets of legs does Cameron have?
A. He has 3. One each for walking, running & swimming √

Q. What film does did Cameron star in?
A .2008 feature film Stop-Loss. √

Q. What does Cameron do for a living?
A. He gives motivational talks to soldiers who have lost limbs. √

Q. How much do prosthetic limbs cost? √
A. $40,000 each.

Q. What word means fake limbs? √
A. Prosthetic.

Q. What limbs did Cameron loose? √
A. His right arm and both legs.

Q. When did he get out of the wheel chair and what did he say? x
A.  "I left the wheelchair five months after the accident and I don’t want to have to use it again."

Find and watch a recent video of Cameron. Embed the video.

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