
Monday, 31 March 2014

Mini Storys

My dog, my dad and I went to the beach to have some fish and chips. My dog devoured the chips and dad and I the fish and sand.

When I got my dog with the big floppy ears I was so happy. They bounce madly about upsetting me when I'm ignored.  

When I was five my brother and I rode a seesaw, when he decided to hop off, I bit my tongue and it was gushing with blood. Seesaw? So sore!

Sunday, 30 March 2014

Homework Week 9

Rhyme: There is no rhyme in this poem.
Rhythm: Haiku clinic poem because it goes one line three line one line in the poem
Tone or Mood: The mode is Mysterious
Personification: They are giving the river mouth human like qualities which gives it personification.
Enjambment: There is enjambment all through this poem.
Meaning of the title.: Awa means river.

Author: find 3 facts about the author:
1. He works in schools throughout New Zealand.
2. He was born in Oamaru.
3. His Father used to be a carpenter.

Now write a similar poem (must have a Maori title) and present it on a slide. Also, make a Sound Cloud recording of you reading the poem.:

My poem


The thirsty rimu tree

licking the soil for water
guzzling the water through its parched roots  
swallowing the water down its long elegant throat

waiting for rain to fall.
Sound Cloud Recording

mini Chinese Lesson

Answer these questions

How many Chinese characters are there altogether? 

There are 50,000 characters.

How many characters does an educated person know? 

8,000 characters.

How old are Chinese characters? 

About 3,500 years old.

Why are some Chinese characters called pictographs? 

To simplify the words into pictures.

What 2 characters join together to make ‘good’? 

Woman & child are used to make good.

What 2 characters join together to make ‘television’? 

With vision and electronic vision make television

Thursday, 27 March 2014

Photos With A Message

I think that this photo is telling you that it's okay yo be different and standout in your own way. My other reason is to think differently to others and think for yourself. 


This photo is about that you can do anything if you believe in yourself but only if you try and push yourself to the limit.


Live life to the limit have fun do anything you want live it up do whatever whenever.  

Wednesday, 26 March 2014

Photos With Meanings

Today I am writing a full explanation about this photo.


This photo shows thad a film doesn't describe as much as a book will in detail. The reason I think this is because the majority of the ice berg is on the A BOOK end. You can also tell by the detail on the photo as the film shows a lot less detail than the book.    


I think that this photo could be about a team that is about to go and play a game of sport. I think the red person is the coach of the team, and he is trying to hype his team up, to encourage them to win. Or it  could be someone that is tying to standup for something. That's why he looks different to the others.  


This picture shows that picture is worth a thousand words because it's a photo with thousands of photos inside it and every photo has a story. My other idea is that this could be someone who hasn't discarded any of there cards that they have received in the past, and keeps them all in the basement. So I think this person is a smart person not polluting the earth. 

Monday, 24 March 2014

Sound Cloud Test

My favourite Playstation game

NBA 2K14

My favourite Playstation game, is NBA 2K14. NBA 2K14 is a basketball game. NBA stands for National Basketball Association.

In the game you can play Association which you choose a team and you can play as many seasons with the team, but if you want to change team you can change team any time you want.

You can also play Season but with season you can only play one season with the team of your choice.

You can also play the Playoffs. With the playoffs you can choose how many games you want to play in each round any you can choose all the teams you want to be in the playoffs.

You can also play My Player Mode. With My Player Mode you create your own player and you get drafted and become the greatest.  

NBA 2K14 trailer

Sunday, 23 March 2014

Kia Kaha Lesson 1

Constable Den

Types of bulling?

Verbal, Cyber, physical, abuse, threatening, finger gestures, leaving out, Gang related, emotional,   peer pressure, Stealing, sexual, stalking,      

What is bullying?

Power & control 


to hurt our feelings or body







Questions On Flight MH370

1. What was the name of the plane? The name of the plane was MH370.
2. What brand was MH370? Malaysia Airlines.  
3. What time did the plane leave? The plane took off at 12.41am.
4. What date did the plane take off? Saturday 8th March.
5. How many passengers were on the plane? There were 12 crew members and 227 passengers.
6. Where did the plane go missing? The plane went missing in the Indian Ocean.
7. Where was the plane going? Beijing.
8. Who are the suspects? The pilot and the co-pilot.
9. Do they know if anyone survived? No they do not.

Saturday, 22 March 2014

Week 8 Homework Its and It's

  1. It's about time you showed up! √
  2. It was its first time out of the cage. √
  3. Its feet were covered with sand. √
  4. Get up, it's time for school.√
  5. I’m glad to see you; its been a long time. x
  6. It's important to study hard for tests. √
  7. The bear protected its cubs. √
  8. It's my turn to go down the slide. √
  9. The dog felt great with its new hair cut. √
  10. It's too late to eat dinner. √
  11. My car is old and its paint is peeling. √
  12. The bird realized that the wind had blown its nest away. √
  13. The game came to its conclusion. √
  14. Turn down the music, it's hurting my ears. √

How To Make Your Bed

Monday, 17 March 2014

Week 7 Homework

The Little Reel Hen 

Punctuation The passage needs 19 capital letters, 19 full stops. 5 commas. 4 apostrophes in
contractions and 3 sets of speech marks. Put them in using a different colour for each
type of punctuation mark.

Words Highlight 10 verbs.

Usage There are 8 words that have been used incorrectly. Circle them and write the correct
words as shown in the example.

 A new line is taken when a new speaker talks.

A little red hen found a wheat seed. She decided to plant it. 
She asked a cat, a Fox and a pig to help her.
"I can't help" said the cat.
       too                                  fox
"I'm to busy" answered the Fox.
"I've got two much to do" replied the pig.
The Little Red Hen dug a hole. She dropped the seed in to it. She
covered               grew                                          
cover it. The seed grow into a fine stalk of wheat. The little red hen,
reaped the wheat. She grinded it into Flower. She mixed this with
                                                      Then she    onto                                            
water in a bowl and made doughshe put this into a baking dishShe
put the dish into the oven. When the loaf was baked, she didn't share
                                    fox                                             ate                                                
the bread with the cat, Fox and pig. She and her chick eat it. They asked her how it tasted. She told them that it was delicious.

Pythagorus Theorem Video 

Sunday, 16 March 2014

Fines For Not Wearing Lifejackets

Use the article above to answer the following questions. Write both the questions and answers down in your book.
1. Who is the main person or group of people in this news article? Mr Norman the Hawke's Bay harbour master and a group of men on the Hawks Bay.
2. What was the key event from the news article? Not wearing lifejackets and they were fined $300. 
3. Where did this event take place? Hawke’s Bay Harbour. 
4. When did this event take place? March 11 2014
5. Why did this event happen? Because a group of men were not wearing lifejackets. 
6. Find a quote from the main person in this news article? Mr Norman said. "He promises that he will be handing out more fines to people who do not listen to the safety regulations."
7.Use the Dictionary in the bottom right hand corner to find the meaning of 3 words from the article. 1. comply, submit, obey and consent. 2. promote, further, advance; advance in rank or position; foster sales through advertising  3.irresponsible lacking a sense of responsibility, unreliable and careless. 

Thursday, 13 March 2014

The Difference Between Too and To

(1) Too is used for expressing something. e.g The cat is TOO fat. Or too means as well and also.

(2)To has two meanings in expressions e.g like I like to run. Or the post man handed the mail to me.

(3) 1. I want to go to town. 2. I like to sing. 3. I'm too busy. 4. I think it's too hot.      

Wednesday, 12 March 2014


Yesterday our task as teachers was that we had help other classmates with apostrophes, and when to use them.

What went well yesterday? I taught my students well and they now understand when to use apostrophes in the right place. So that means that they listened well and focused.

What didn't go well? It was a little bit to loud and that one of my students were a bit distractive.

What were one or two things that I realised? That sometimes students can teach teachers.

Check Out These Tames

penalty shootout game
beat the clock 

difficulties in space


The bag has to stay in space.
You can dispose of your puke bag.
The bag could rip and the puke could be floating around for months.
You can wipe your face.
What happens if the astronauts need to puke more than once?
The puke bag has a ziplock bag to keep your spew in and not floating about.

(B) Eating, sleeping, going toilet, drinking and cleaning.

Tuesday, 11 March 2014

Week 5 Homework


10 Facts About The Battle Of Gate Pa

  • Heni Karamu was the only female warrior in the battle of Gate Pa.
  • Heni Karamu gave water to dying soldiers.   
  • It rained during the battle of Gate Pa.
  • Jaine Folie was Heni Karamu’s european name.
  • The bombs just slugged about during the rain and didn't explode,
  • Heni Karamu’s brother was called Neni Karamu.
  • A lot of NiteRunginu warriors decided to go back to Tauranga to protect their families.
  • The women and children were told to leave the Pa and get to safety.
  • The Bombs that the english fired exploded the cooking area.
  • The maori chased the english down the hill back to their base.    

Snake vs Crocodile

The snake is battling the crocodile and the snake won.

Monday, 10 March 2014

NFC Tags

1. NFC tags are a wireless technology that allows you to transfer data. Different NFC tags hold different data safely.

2.The up side to NFC tags are good because you can move data to other devices safely.

3. The down side to NFC tags is if you drop your phone someone can get in to your car.

4. 5 facts about NFC tags. 1.NFC tags can be used to unlock cars. 2. You can set your alarm to your NFC tags you can put your phone to your NFC tags and it sets it to your phone. 3. They hold a micro chip in a plastic case. 4. You have to put your phone to really close to the tag. 5. They don't need to be recharged.

Sunday, 9 March 2014


1. Your and you're are homophones because they sound the same but are spelt differently.

2. You're is used when you combined you and are together, and your is a object that belongs to someone.

3. These are a few sentences using (your.) You spilt your water on the bench./Your clock is broken./Your birthday is today.

4. These are some sentences using (you're.) You're a good friend./ You're a good rugby player./ You're a kind person.

5. You use your when you're writing a sentence. When you use your you're bored.

Wednesday, 5 March 2014

12 Years a Slave

Set in the late 19th century,12 Years a Slave is about a middle class man named Solomon Northup. He was a skilled carpenter and talented violin player who went to Washington D.C, because he gets offered a two week job as a musician. He was kidnaped, and sold to slavery in Red River, Louisiana where he was forced to work on a cotton farm.

Solomon was abused and threatened with guns if he didn't do the work. All the slaves tell him that, "if you don't want to be a slave you don’t do the work, you just don't do what they tell you". But Solomon said “I don’t want to do the work, but I want to live. I want to see my family again.”
Solomon obeyed the rules and tried to please his master. When he's accused of not doing things right he argues back accusing white people of "being the problem" not his work. Solomon has no option but to run.   

I recommend this movie because it will tell you about what it was like in 1894.

Tuesday, 4 March 2014

Oscars 2014

1. 12  years of slave

2. Matthew McConaughey and he won it for The Wolf Of Wall Street

3. Cate Blattchet won the best actress for blue jasmine 

4. A supporting actor is a roll that is not the lead roll but is still in a decent part of the movie.

5. Best actor, Beat actress, Best picture 

6. Gravity and American Hustle

7. American hustle's Jennifer Lawrence