
Thursday, 25 July 2013

Homework challenge E3

Visit to Tauranga Art Gallery

I must admit, when mum suggested that we visited the art gallery to help with my homework challenge, I wasn't that excited about the idea. I soon found out it was a really cool exhibition!
Running until 15th September you can see a the work of New Zealand artist Jeff Thomson. His exhibit is called Corrugations and shows lots of different techniques using corrugated metal. Some of his work is using heavier sheets, but he also displays delicate and detailed artwork. My favourite was a Morris Minor car which he completely re panelled in corrugated tin.
Also on display was a collection of work based on Mount Maunganui. My favourite of the day was a series by John McLean called Springheel Jack. It shows a man who always wears the same clothes, who used to be seen often at the Mount years ago, collecting shells and interesting things from nature. He lived in Otumotai was a well known character around town.
Enjoyed my visit!

Homework challenge 3 course meal


Chicken nibbles coated in chilli sauce


Pork and chilli hamburgers served on a bed of bread with garnish 


Lemon loaf 

Holidays coming to a end time to update my blog with homework challenges.

My science fair certificate for getting a yellow sticker.